Digital Magnetic Compass
K-PUS digital magnetic compass are used for precise measurement of heading, roll and pitch angles Its typical applications are gimbals, autonomous cars, laser rangefinders, thermal binoculars, reconnaissance equipment, mounted weapon systems etc.
Smaller and robust design with better connection interface. Better than 0.25 degree heading accuracy
K-PUS has advanced hard-iron and soft-iron calibration capabilities (12-point calibration and easy-calibration).
K-PUS has passed several environmental conditions tests, including MIL-STD-810G.
K-PUS digital magnetic compass sensor has been delivered to defense companies and has been used on several platforms with satisfaction because of its:
Good accuracy
Direct replaceability
K-PUS-MICRO Performance
Roll/Pitch (Bank/Elevation) Accuracy ± 0.1° RMS Yaw (Heading, Azimuth) Accuracy ± 0.25° RMS Sampling Rate Up to 50 Hz Pitch/Roll Calibrated Range – 45° / + 45° Pitch/Roll Operational Range – 80° / + 80° Power Supply 3.3 V (± %5) Dimensions 31x23x18.5 mm Weight < 11 gr
3-D Accelerometer
Measurement Range +/- 2g to +/- 16g Non-Linearity +/- 0.5% Noise X-Y-X 0.75-0.75-1.1 LBS RMS Sensitivity 256 LBS/g (2g)
3-D Gyroscope
Measurement Range +/- 2000 degrees/second Lin. Acc. Sensitivity 0.1 deg/sec/g Total RMS Noise 0.1 deg/sec RMS Non-Linearity +/- 0.2 % Cross-axis Sensitivity +/- 2 %
3-D Magnetometer
Measurement Range +/- 8 Gauss Non-Linearity 0.1 % Full Scale Digital Resolution 18 bit Resolution 16384 Count/G Sensitivity 61 mikrogauss